48A Eastgate, Cowbridge, CF71 7AB
Reserve Your Child's Place Today:
01446 396000
Partnership Policy
Here at Bijou nursery we recognize that working in partnership with parents is of great value and importance to the Nursery in enabling it to provide a happy, caring and stable environment for children in our care. Working closely with parent’s or carers to ensure children receive personal level of care and feel more at home with friendly and helpful staff and learn in a warm, safe and caring environment and relationships start at home. Good communication and support for parent’s as well as advice or information if needed.
We aim to form a good relationship with parents so that information regarding their children’s activities and progress can be exchanged easily and comfortably by Nursery staff and parents.
Objectives of this policy
The objectives below show ways in which we will try to achieve a strong working partnership with parents:
To ensure that Staff are always available for discussion with parents. Arrangements can be made for more private discussions at agreed times.
To keep information provided by parents about their children confidential and treated on a strict need to know basis. It is removed from Nursery at the end of each session.
To ensure that staff are discreet and treat details of children’s activities private outside the Nursery.
To provide parents with Information regarding the children's activities daily either by verbal communication, letters, displays, photographs or in the child's own Daily Diaries.
To issue regular newsletters to keep parents up to date with information about the nursery.
To ensure that if we have any concerns about a child's wellbeing during the day every effort will be made to contact the parents or their emergency contact.
To encourage parents to send in objects from home that the children are interested in. They are also encouraged to comment in the comment box.
To request parents to keep us informed of any changes to personal circumstances which may influence a child, e.g. change of address, telephone number, doctor, emergency contact.
To request Parents are also keep us informed of any circumstances which could influence a child's emotional wellbeing, e.g. bereavement, separation or illness in the family.
Parents are asked to sign consent forms for Medical and Accident treatment Administering medicines
Passing on records to schools, taking photographs, videos visual recordings of any type.
Taking the children on outings- They will be asked to sign forms for trips when necessary.
Exchanging Information, the following are used to exchange information: Informal, ongoing verbal and written communications between staff and parents.
The manager or a member of staff is always available for discussion with parents. An appointment can be made if preferred.
We inform all parents about how the nursery is run and its policies through access to written information and through regular informal communication. We check to ensure parents understand the information that is given to them when they visit the setting.
We encourage and support parents to play an active part in the nursery such as event days and activities involving their children and the setting
Parents and carers are always welcome to contact the setting and enquire about their child.
We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the nursery by asking opinions and comments.
We provide information about opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents with basic skills needs, or those for whom English is an additional language.
We aim to ensure that all parents are included – that may mean we have different strategies for involving fathers or parents who work or live apart from their children such as video and photography with permission.
We inform all parents on a regular basis about their children's progress such as parent’s evening so that parents have a chance to view topic books and communicate directly to a keyworker about, their child.
We involve parents in the shared record keeping about their children - either formally or informally - and ensure parents have access to their children's written
Information about a child's activities during the day is available to parents/carers daily either by verbal communication or in the child's diary given by the child’s keyworker that day.
Regular newsletters will be produced to keep parents and carers up to date with any information about the nursery.
If we have a concern about a child during the day every effort will be made to contact the parent / carer or their emergency contact such as accident or illness.
We welcome the contributions of parents; in whatever form these may take.
We inform all parents of the systems for complaints or suggestions and check to ensure these are understood. All parents have access to our written complaint’s procedure.
Other ways we can work together is:
Website – bijou-nursery.com
Notice board
Settling in Reviews
Parent and staff Interview
Parents’ Evenings
Special Events e.g. Nativity Play, Sport Day, Graduation Ceremony