48A Eastgate, Cowbridge, CF71 7AB
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01446 396000
Transition Policy
Transition is the change a child encounters moving from one place to another. As the child develops they experience transition from one learning environment or setting to a new one. By the time a child reaches school age they may have experienced several transitions which will have helped them to adapt their thoughts, feelings and behaviour to meet new expectations.
These transitions may have included:
Transition between rooms.
Transition from one provider to another during the week or all together (moved setting).
Transition from a childcare provider to a school.
Transitions need continuity to provide the child with confidence, thereby feeling secure and making the process exciting.
Parents are offered settling in sessions that are arranged for settles consisting of 1 hour/1 ½ hours/2x2 hours sessions for parents, children and staff to build a relationship of being within the setting and dependant on parent. They may wish to have child complete 2x2 hours sessions or build their confidence gradually within 4x1 hours sessions depending on themselves.
The first settle session will be an hour allowing the parent to sit with the key person and discuss the care plan ensuring the key person understands all the needs the child requires. The next settle will be for an hour and a half. The parent is invited in to the room with the child and stay as long as they wish, if the child is settled and not dependent on the parent, encourage the parent to leave the room and collect the child after the settle in session.
The last two settles are two hours usually covering lunchtime the other tea. During the final settles, the parent is advised to stay in the room briefly and then leave to allow the child to familiarise themselves with their key person and the environment. More settles may be needed to be arranged if a parent and key person feel this would be beneficial to the child’s emotional well-being or needs.
“All About Me” forms are exchanged between providers once every term to compare a child’s learning development.
An Early Years Foundation Stage Transfer Record is passed onto the other providers when the child is of school age.
Observations will be referred to another setting containing the child’s information so that the setting is aware of where the child is developmentally. Parents can also observe these and access this information if they wish.
Early Years Foundation Stage Transfer Records are completed on each child going to school and sent to their chosen school.
Transition books of local schools are provided to use in talking to children about their new school, especially following a visit to the school.
A child’s future teachers are welcome to our setting to see the child in our environment and to talk about how our room works and chat with the key person.
Inviting a child attending our setting, who is at school, to talk to the children about their experience of school life.
Display photos of children in their new school uniforms and provide and read books about starting school. When the parents are informed of their child’s new school, the parent has the opportunity to add their child’s name and school to a list displayed outside their room allowing others to know who is going to the same school.
Prepare the child in advance for the transition by talking and looking at transition books, introducing them to staff in the room and the key person.
Ensure all preparation for the child is implemented before the transition e.g. Peg name, name cards, and a snack mat.
Ensure all staff are familiar with any necessary information on the child.
Being flexible with the working of the room to meet the child’s needs.
Ensure parents have met the new key person and all staff in the room. They should be told about how the room works.