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Nappy Changing & Toilet Training Policy

We aim to support children’s care and welfare on a daily basis in line with their individual needs. All children need contact with familiar, consistent carers to ensure they can grow confidently and feel self-assured.  Babies and toddlers will have their nappies changed according to their individual needs and requirements by their key worker wherever possible as a duty of care to the child.

Information will be shared between parents and key person about nappy changing and toilet training in a way that suits the parents and is documented on a chart and the child’s personal daily report.

We wish to ensure the safety and welfare of the children whilst being changed and safeguard against any potential harm as well as ensuring the staff member involved is fully supported and able to perform their duties safely and confidently. Through the following actions we will endeavour to support all parties:  

These procedures are to ensure the safety of both the children in our care and the Nursery staff. 

  • A child’s nappy should be checked on arrival at the nursery.  If necessary it should be changed immediately.  If it does not need to be changed the time checked should still be noted on the nappy changing chart. 

  • All children should be changed as and when needed, but at least 3 times daily, morning, lunch and afternoon. Whenever possible the child should be changed by their key person and NEVER by anyone who has not provided a satisfactory DBS.  All nappy changes must be recorded by the member of staff responsible.  It should also be recorded whether the nappy was W (wet) or S (bowel movement) OR (D) dry for a checked nappy, time of nappy change and initialled by the member of staff. 

  • A child should be changed immediately if they soil their nappy or it becomes wet.

  • Only staff with a valid DBS check will be permitted to change nappies. 

  • When changing a nappy, staff members must wear a white disposable apron and white disposable gloves. These must be removed after every nappy change, disposed of and new ones worn for the next nappy change and no PPE is to be worn outside of the nappy changing areas even if clean. 

  • When changing a nappy a sheet from the blue/white roll must be placed on the changing mat to lay the child down on. This must be replaced after the mat has been sprayed with the anti-bac after every nappy change. Please wash hands after nappy change.  

  • Potties – staff are to give children privacy when using potties, by sitting them out of sight of passers-by and other children using the toilet area. After use staff need to dispose of the waste appropriately in a toilet, potties must be cleaned with anti-bac and put away immediately.

    • Children need to wash their hands after using the potty. • Respect the parent/carers choice of nappies for their child by ensuring you are using the correct make and size of nappy.  Only nappy creams brought in by the parent/carers for their own child may be used on the child. Staff must record when a child is sore and cream has been applied. In case of an emergency, the nursery will have a pot of antiseptic cream to apply to children who are sore and the parent has given permission to apply the cream. To prevent cross infection a spatula must be used to apply the cream and washed after use. 

    • Should a member of staff have any concerns about a child they should follow the child protection procedures.

    • The changing mat must be disinfected with anti-bacterial spray between each nappy change.  Allow the mat to dry naturally or wipe it dry with a paper towel before changing the next child. 

    • Children must never be left unattended on the nappy changing stand.

    • All children should be encouraged to use the steps to access the mat on the changing table, staff are not to lift heavy children onto the changing table.

    • All nappies and wipes must be put into nappy sacks and disposed of in the bin provided. All aprons and gloves must be put into nappy sacks and disposed of in the correct bin provided. 

    • At the end of the day, or if the bin becomes full or overflowing, the nappy bags need to be taken outside and placed in the big bins. An apron and gloves must be worn when doing this. • Wash nappy bins on a Friday and leave to air by not replacing a bin liner and lid over the weekend. 

    • Soiling – if a child has a wetting accident, the soiled underwear needs to be placed in a nappy sack and then into the child’s bag or on their peg immediately. Any child having a bowel movement accident needs to be cleaned appropriately, if the underwear is badly soiled, place in a nappy sack and keep in the toilet area until parent collects explain to the parent the condition of the underwear giving them to choice of keeping the underwear or allowing the staff to dispose appropriately in the yellow sack. The same procedure applies with any garments soiled with blood. If children have two or more loose nappies or bowel movements then the manager/deputy should be informed to contact the parent to collect their child to reduce the risk of cross contamination or infection.





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