48A Eastgate, Cowbridge, CF71 7AB
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01446 396000
Behaviour Management Policy
Bijou nursery will endeavour to create an atmosphere that encourages positive behaviour. We believe children flourish best when they understand what we as staff expect of them, regarding positive behaviour.
Our aims:
Providing positive role models for all children.
Working collaboratively with parents and carers
Encouraging children to be kind and care for one another.
Encouraging acceptable behaviour through praise.
Developing consistent approaches to behaviour management within Bijou nursery and at home.
Develop an awareness of safety issues within the setting and the wider community.
Encourage children to make positive behaviour choices.
Ensure staff offer consistency and continuity for every child.
Support children to learn individual ways to deal with their feelings.
Staff will record any incidents.
Physical incidents or accidents are also recorded.
We aim to ensure that all staff work in an environment where there is mutual respect, and where there is good understanding of the developmental needs of all children.
We believe working closely with parents/carers enables a consistent approach to behaviour management.
We believe that children need to have set boundaries in place for safeguarding reasons. Bijou nursery will aim to set out these boundaries in a way which assists children to develop a sense of significance of their own behaviour.
At Bijou nursery we believe that much behaviour is learnt, we can therefore teach children to be kind through staff acting as positive role models. The way this is encouraged is through planning resources through play.
In order to achieve our aims we would like to provide an age appropriate environment with plenty of stimulating activities throughout our planning. We believe that children's safety is paramount and that the environment is safe, attractive and welcoming to include the activities for children that focus on their choices and interests.
All staff have read and understood the behaviour management policy during the induction process, and are consistent in the use of techniques to encourage positive behaviour within the use of the intervention process.
The role of parents
The nursery works collaboratively with parents, so children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at nursery. We expect parents to support their child's learning, and to cooperate with the nursery. We try to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the nursery, and we inform parents immediately if we have concerns about their child's welfare or behaviour.
Positive reinforcers
Choice of activities.
Compliments and recognition.
Public praise and positive notes to parents.
Pats on the back, smiles, hand-shakes and high-fives.
Being the adults helper or choice of leader in group activities.
Placing work in a place of honour for display.
Clear and consistent boundaries
Make all of the children aware and involve them in the nursery rules.
Show sincerity in creating the rules and discuss the consequences of violating the rules.
Be consistent and fair.
Ignoring the children violating the rules says to them that they are not meaningful. It will give cause for them to consider the authenticity of all of the nursery rules and expectation.
Be clear concerning what is acceptable behaviour.
Make the rules meaningful and sustainable.
Here at Bijou nursery we believe that children should be given the opportunity to use calming methods for themselves when demonstrating certain emotions, such as: annoyed, anger, sadness etc. We feel this is an invaluable skill to teach and that we consider to be more of a positive method rather than implementing "time out".
This policy was adopted in March 2019. Date for review March 2020.