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Allergy & Intolerance Policy & Procedure

Allergies and allergic reactions policy At BIJOU nursery we are aware that children can have allergies which may cause allergic reactions which can range from mild to extreme but is important to ensure child’s health and safety.  We will follow this policy to ensure allergic reactions are prevented and staff are fully aware of how to support a child who may be having an allergic reaction. 


  • All parents/carers will be required to give information on the child registration form regarding their child’s allergies or allergic reactions and complete a Health Care Plan clearly outlining the allergen and the procedure to follow, if necessary. All staff will be made aware of the child’s allergies. 

  • This information will be transferred to the nursery’s allergies list which is displayed in the kitchen/utility area with a picture and a list of allergies the child has. 

  • Regular risk assessments will be carried out regarding the child’s allergies in connection with the nursery’s menu and activities and staff ensuring ingredients used for activities such as messy play or cooking activities are reviewed for the child also and either substitutions made so the child can participate. 

  • The management team, nursery cook, staff and parents/carers will work together to ensure a child with specific food allergies/intolerances receives no food at nursery that may harm them.  This may include designing an appropriate menu or substituting specific meals on the current nursery menu and communicating with staff about allergy meal. 

  • If a child has an allergic reaction to food, a bee sting, plant etc, a first aid trained member of staff will administer the appropriate treatment and parents/carers must be informed and it must be recorded on the incident form. 

  • If this treatment requires specialist treatment, e.g. an epipen, then at least two members of staff working directly with the child and the management team will receive specific medical training to be able to administer the treatment to each individual child.

  • A sick child above all needs their family therefore every effort should be made to contact a family member as soon as possible. 

  • If the allergic reaction is severe a member of staff will summon an ambulance immediately.  We WILL NOT attempt to transport the sick/injured child in our own vehicles. 

  • Whilst waiting for the ambulance, the management team or a designated member of staff will contact the parents/carers using the emergency contact list and arrange to meet them at the hospital. 

  • The management team or a designated member of staff will accompany the child and collect together the child’s personal file including their Health Care Plan, medication and comforter. 

  • Staff must remain calm at all times.  Children who witness an allergic reaction may well be affected by it and may need lots of cuddles and reassurance. 

  • All incidents will be recorded, shared and signed by parents at the earliest opportunity

    • A nursery supply of piriton is kept at the setting at all times and parent’s consent will be given or managers opinion of the child for mild allergies 

    • Ensuring good communication between parents and staff to ensure that all staff are aware of children’s allergies and communicating with parents such as food substitutes and food changes such as small amounts for intolerances.

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